Our award for the best Japanese avant-garde animated dolls goes to...
...Undercover designer Jun Takahashi. (Who else?) GILApple, an animated short featuring Takahashi's homemade dolls, was one of several entries in last week's Shaded View on Fashion Film Festival, overseen by capital-F fashion blogger Diane Pernet. Popcorn flicks these flicks ain't, but where else could you see—in addition to the dolls—Steven Klein bloody up supermodel Lara Stone (in Fiction Noir) or the life of Rick Owens in 1:17 minutes (pictured, in Nick Knight's A Portrait of Rick Owens)? Owens himself dropped by the fest to present awards to the winning films, excerpts of which you can see over at DailyMotion. It should tide you over for outré arthouse—at least until Spider-Man 4. (And as for Takahashi, he officially went home empty-handed—GILApple screened out of competition.)